Celebrating 3 Years with CCEP - Amalgamotion

2 August 2021

Celebrating 3 Years with CCEP

This month Amalgamotion celebrates 3 years as the NSW Telco Authority’s CCEP Delivery Partner. What an incredible and challenging journey to date, what an amazing team effort, and what a hugely significant milestone for us as a business and the program.

Thanks enormously to the entire Amalgamotion team for your significant contribution to the program, our client, end-customers, and the Amalgamotion business over the last 3 years. Whilst a delivery program of this size inevitably comes with it’s fair share of challenge, I know we can all take bucket loads of satisfaction from the progress we have made, the outcomes we’ve delivered, and the significant impacts we have had on the services provided to the people and communities of NSW.

Thank you also to the many dedicated suppliers and delivery partners who work with us daily to ensure the successful delivery of the project, and to NSW Telco Authority, our client and partner, for continuing to entrust us with the safe delivery of this critical infrastructure program.

Gareth Rumbelow
Managing Director